
Difference between revisions of "Google Summer of Code 2014 Ideas"

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m (Language APIs for the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) through the JVM)
(BioPerl: Copied from their wiki)
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=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#NGS-friendly_BioPerl_code NGS-friendly BioPerl code] ===
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#NGS-friendly_BioPerl_code NGS-friendly BioPerl code] ===
; Rationale : BioPerl is known to be slow re: any data sets, but particularly when dealing with very large data (e.g. anything related to NGS analysis.  Can we make it better?  Where should we focus our efforts?
; Approach : Under the supervision of their mentor(s), the GSoC student will:
:* Benchmark bottlenecks that lead to loss in performance for NGS analyses
:* Refactor old classes or develop new optimized code for NGS analysis
; Challenges : This can be a self-contained project, but will require a lot of discussion on what areas to focus on.
; Difficulty and needed skills : easy to hard, depending on student's familiarity with the tools to be used.  Student will need:
:* excellent Perl programming skills, including familiarity with NGS datasets
;* knowledge of modern Perl practices.
; Mentors : Chris Fields, others?
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#Convert_BioPerl-DB_to_DBIx::Class Convert BioPerl-DB to use DBIx::Class] ===
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#Convert_BioPerl-DB_to_DBIx::Class Convert BioPerl-DB to use DBIx::Class] ===
; Rationale : Bioperl-db (the BioPerl bindings to BioSQL) in essence constitute a self-made ORM, invented at a time when DBIx::Class didn't exist yet. As such, it has some advantages (if you are willing to count overly clever features to be counted in this category), but arguably many more disadvantages, chief among them being the unsustainably small (you could also say non-existent) developer community supporting it, and the fact that DBIx::Class now has existed for years, and is fairly mature.  So, rewriting Bioperl-db with a DBIx::Class (or another well-supported generic ORM) would stand to make a considerable impact on our ability to further develop Bioperl's relational storage capabilities, as well as BioSQL itself.
; Approach : Under the supervision of their mentor(s), the GSoC student will:
:* Start working on conversion of BioPerl-DB classes to using DBIx::Class
:* write additional tests and improve documentation as needed
; Challenges : BioPerl-DB is self-contained; this may require looking at the BioSQL schema and determining whether there are specific areas that need the most focus.
; Difficulty and needed skills : easy to hard, depending on student's familiarity with the tools to be used.  Student will need:
:* excellent Perl programming skills, including familiarity with:
:** DBIx::Class
; Mentors : Hilmar Lapp, others?
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#Major_BioPerl_Reorganization.2C_part_2 Major BioPerl Reorganization (Part II)] ===
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#Major_BioPerl_Reorganization.2C_part_2 Major BioPerl Reorganization (Part II)] ===
; Rationale : The initial run at this project [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#Major_BioPerl_reorganization had some success], but more work needs to be done.  The final goal of this project is to find and break out as many well-defined subsections of BioPerl as possible, releasing them to CPAN along the way.
; Approach : Under the supervision of their mentor(s), the GSoC student will:
:* break current thousand-module monolithic distributions into smaller, more manageable pieces
:* improve characterization of dependencies
:* improve build and testing systems for new distributions
:* write additional tests and improve documentation as needed for the reorganization
; Challenges : BioPerl contains nearly 2000 modules, with very complex relationships between them.
; Difficulty and needed skills : easy to hard, depending on student's familiarity with the tools to be used.  Student will need:
:* excellent Perl programming skills, including familiarity with:
:** testing (<tt>prove</tt>, <tt>TAP::Harness</tt>)
:** module authoring (<tt>Module::Build</tt>,<tt>Dist::Zilla</tt>,PAUSE)
:* good knowledge of command-line text-processing tools like <tt>ack</tt>, <tt>grep</tt>, and Perl one-liners.
:* version control systems (BioPerl uses [http://git-scm.com git]).
; Mentors : Chris Fields, others?
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#Perl_Run_Wrappers_for_External_Programs_in_a_Flash Perl Run Wrappers for External Programs in a Flash] ===
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#Perl_Run_Wrappers_for_External_Programs_in_a_Flash Perl Run Wrappers for External Programs in a Flash] ===
; Rationale : BioPerl has a long tradition of providing wrapper objects for running external programs and parsing their output, mainly through the distribution called [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Bioperl-run bioperl-run]. Wrappers make it relatively easy to process data in highly customizable pipelines with the benefits of BioPerl objects and I/O. They also help to standardize the interfaces to typically idiosyncratic open-source utilities, reducing the burden on the developer. With new bioinformatics tools being released almost daily, however, it can be difficult for the BioPerl regulars to maintain a stable of run wrappers for the latest and greatest tools. Even harder is making the wrapper interfaces themselves conform to a standard API that users can count on.
; Possible approaches:
# Integrate Galaxy's tool configuration file format in a pluggable way for developing a generic wrapper application. 
# Improve/tighten/extend the <tt>Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase</tt> and <tt>Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase::CommandExts</tt> system for very general run wrappers, making them work robustly with the new <tt>Bio::Tools::WrapperMaker</tt> module currently under development. The goal will be to get these modules ready for release into the trunk.
# Are there any shortcomings to current schemes, such as Galaxy's or EMBOSS's acd format, that could be addressed with a newer schema?
See [http://bioperl.org/wiki/HOWTO:Wrappers HOWTO:Wrappers] and the above module documentation for more details.
; Difficulty and needed skills : Medium. The student should understand or be willing to work hard at understanding BioPerl object-oriented style. Some familiarity with [[wp:XML|XML]] and [[wp:XML Schema|XML Schema]] will help in getting up to speed. An interest in playing with new open-source bioinformatics tools, especially those for managing next-generation sequence assembly, would also be valuable.
; Mentors : Mark Jensen, [[User:Cjfields | Chris Fields]]
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#Lightweight.2FLazy_BioPerl_Classes Lightweight BioPerl modules] ===
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#Lightweight.2FLazy_BioPerl_Classes Lightweight BioPerl modules] ===
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#BioPerl_2.0_.28and_beyond.29 Modern BioPerl: BioPerl 2.0 and beyond] ===
; Rationale : Many current BioPerl classes are implemented in a greedy or heavy way, where all information is pulled into memory as objects.  For instance, the current <tt>Bio::Seq</tt> implementation is the primary bottleneck for sequence parsing speed and can take up a ton of memory, particularly with whole-genome information and next-generation sequencing information.  Storing the data in memory in a simple data structure and generating the objects lazily could help with speed.  Alternatively, storing the data in a persistent manner would also help with memory issues, with the obvious trade-off for speed but having the nice side-benefit of consistent and possibly persistent ways of handling data.
; Approach : Implement a <tt>Bio::Seq</tt>/<tt>Bio::PrimarySeq</tt> class (or other commonly-used BioPerl classes) that can deal with very large datasets in a memory-efficient manner.  Implement at least one corresponding parser that can either parse records lazily (akin to an XML pull parser) or create lightweight objects.  These could be considered two projects but they are interrelated (lightweight objects could have many different backends, including lazy parsing), so development should proceed with this in mind.
; Difficulty and needed skills : medium to hard.  Student should have an excellent command of Perl and data structures, experience with persistent storage mechanisms (such as a SQL-based RDBMS, CouchDB, etc), and some familiarity with parsing methodologies.
; Prior art : Jason Stajich has started a SQLite-based lightweight <tt>Bio::Tree::Tree</tt> implementation on [http://github.com/bioperl/bioperl-live/tree/topic/tree_dbsqlite_memoryfix a GitHub branch] at the recent GMOD Evolutionary Biology Hackathon at NESCent in Fall 2010.
; Mentors : Chris Fields, Jason Stajich
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#BioPerl_2.0_.28and_beyond.29 BioPerl 2.0 and beyond] ===
; Rationale : Design or reimplement BioPerl classes without API constraint, using Modern Perl tools or Perl 6.
; Approach : Most BioPerl code is over 6 years old and doesn't take advantage of Modern Perl tools, such as new methods available in Perl 5.10 and 5.12, Moose/MooseX, DBIx::Class, Catalyst, and more.  Furthermore, a viable Perl6 implementation, Rakudo, is currently available.  This gives us an enormous opportunity to redesign fundamental aspects of BioPerl without the necessity for development hindered by a requirement for backwards compatibility. 
Two projects, Biome (Moose-based BioPerl) and BioPerl6 (Perl 6 BioPerl) have already started but are in a very early stage.  One could participate in:
* IO implementations for object iteration, or Perl6 grammars for common formats
* Redesign of common BioPerl classes
* etc.
This is an area ripe for new student project ideas.  The more focused the better!  Discussion is a must, either via IRC or email.
; Difficulty : Project-dependent
; Mentors : Chris Fields, Rob Buels
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#Bio::Assembly Bio::Assembly] ===
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#Bio::Assembly Bio::Assembly] ===
; Rationale
: A followup to the 2010 project "Alignment Subsystem Refactoring": Continued refinement of AssemblyIO.
; Approach
: SAM or ACE files once imported should have similar handles and/or methods.
; Difficulty and needed skills
: Medium to hard. Excellent command of Perl, familiarity with sequence alignment and alignment tools.
; Mentors
: To be determined.
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#Semantic_Web_Support Semantic Web Support] ===
=== [http://bioperl.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code#Semantic_Web_Support Semantic Web Support] ===
; Rationale : There are great development opportunities in information discovery for bioinformatics using semantic web, specially thinking in the implementation of SPARQL queries for a "discoverable bio-cloud".
; Approach : Previous efforts can be adopted and extended, such as resulting code from [http://hackathon3.dbcls.jp/ BioHackathon 3] and the code provided by [http://dev.isb-sib.ch/projects/expasy-rdf/ Expasy].  Using the modules of the [http://www.perlrdf.org Semantic Web with Perl community], built around [https://metacpan.org/module/RDF::Trine RDF::Trine low-level API]. There are two main areas to explore:
# Parsers and converters from and to RDF, including IO modules for GenBank, EMBL, several XML specifications, et cetera.
# Storage and retrieval of information using SPARQL.
; Difficulty and needed skills : Medium.  Familiarity with SeqIO modules and Perl itself.  The student should also be familiar with RDF format and the RDF triples concept for Semantic Web.
; Mentors : To be determined. [http://bioperl.org/wiki/User:Kjetilk Kjetil Kjernsmo] can help mentor students wishing to explore the RDF::Trine direction.
==[http://biojava.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code BioJava]==
==[http://biojava.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code BioJava]==

Revision as of 17:19, 14 February 2014

The details of each of our project ideas are listed below, including potential mentors. Interested mentors and students should subscribe to the OBF/GSoC mailing list and announce their interest.

See the main OBF Google Summer of Code page for more information about the GSoC program and additional ways to get in touch with us.

Cross-project ideas

BioInterchange: Convert and Exchange Biological File Formants using RESTful web service

BioInterchange Interchange data using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and let BioInterchange automagically create RDF triples from your TSV, XML, GFF3, GVF, Newick and other files common in Bioinformatics. BioInterchange helps you transform your data sets into linked data for sharing and data integration via command line, web-service, or API. BioInterchange was conceived and designed during NBDC/DBCLS's BioHackathon 2012. Architecture and RDF serialization implementations were provided by Joachim Baran, Geraint Duck provided JSON and XML deserialization implementations and contributed to architecture decisions, guidance on ontology use and applications were given by Kevin B. Cohen and Michel Dumontier, where Michel brought forward and extended the Semanticscience Integrated Ontology (SIO). Jin-Dong Kim helped to define ontology relationships for RDFizing DBCLS' PubAnnotation category annotations. The main idea is to have a central service with can be used as a validator and as interchange service for different languages.
The project will identify the most common and used file formants for all the currently used language under OBF and will design a RESTful API and will project an implementation for all the supported languages. BioInterchange was developed with Ruby but the scope of the project is to have an agnostic system which let use implement a converter using the best language for that functionality. It expected to have a high traffic for the service so an appropriate refactoring or reimplementation using parallel techniques or languages devoted to parallel programming would be possible.
Difficulty and needed skills
The project is mid / high difficulty, aimed at talented students. Previous knowledge of Ruby or other scripting language is preferred and flexibility in learning other languages is requireed.
The project requires
Knowledge of advanced programming languages and meta-programming and some concept in parallelizing and web services design.
Raoul J.P. Bonnal, Francesco Strozzi, Toshiaki Katayama, Joachim Baran

Language APIs for the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) through the JVM

The standard Java implementation of SBML, JSBML, is used as a parser for various Java-based systems biology applications. This fulfills one niche, but the versatility of the JVM can be utilized to employ JSBML as a parser for systems biology applications that are written in other languages. Also, JSBML undergoes an active community effort to be up-to-date with current SBML standards.
This project will aim to present language APIs for languages that may want to employ the SBML structure without building a parser from scratch. Matlab, Mathematica, and Python APIs will be the focus for this project.
Languages and skill
Java, optional: Matlab, Python, (other language)
Andreas Dräger, Alex Thomas


BioPerl logo tiny.jpg

NGS-friendly BioPerl code

BioPerl is known to be slow re: any data sets, but particularly when dealing with very large data (e.g. anything related to NGS analysis. Can we make it better? Where should we focus our efforts?
Under the supervision of their mentor(s), the GSoC student will:
  • Benchmark bottlenecks that lead to loss in performance for NGS analyses
  • Refactor old classes or develop new optimized code for NGS analysis
This can be a self-contained project, but will require a lot of discussion on what areas to focus on.
Difficulty and needed skills 
easy to hard, depending on student's familiarity with the tools to be used. Student will need:
  • excellent Perl programming skills, including familiarity with NGS datasets
  • knowledge of modern Perl practices.
Chris Fields, others?

Convert BioPerl-DB to use DBIx::Class

Bioperl-db (the BioPerl bindings to BioSQL) in essence constitute a self-made ORM, invented at a time when DBIx::Class didn't exist yet. As such, it has some advantages (if you are willing to count overly clever features to be counted in this category), but arguably many more disadvantages, chief among them being the unsustainably small (you could also say non-existent) developer community supporting it, and the fact that DBIx::Class now has existed for years, and is fairly mature. So, rewriting Bioperl-db with a DBIx::Class (or another well-supported generic ORM) would stand to make a considerable impact on our ability to further develop Bioperl's relational storage capabilities, as well as BioSQL itself.
Under the supervision of their mentor(s), the GSoC student will:
  • Start working on conversion of BioPerl-DB classes to using DBIx::Class
  • write additional tests and improve documentation as needed
BioPerl-DB is self-contained; this may require looking at the BioSQL schema and determining whether there are specific areas that need the most focus.
Difficulty and needed skills 
easy to hard, depending on student's familiarity with the tools to be used. Student will need:
  • excellent Perl programming skills, including familiarity with:
    • DBIx::Class
Hilmar Lapp, others?

Major BioPerl Reorganization (Part II)

The initial run at this project had some success, but more work needs to be done. The final goal of this project is to find and break out as many well-defined subsections of BioPerl as possible, releasing them to CPAN along the way.
Under the supervision of their mentor(s), the GSoC student will:
  • break current thousand-module monolithic distributions into smaller, more manageable pieces
  • improve characterization of dependencies
  • improve build and testing systems for new distributions
  • write additional tests and improve documentation as needed for the reorganization
BioPerl contains nearly 2000 modules, with very complex relationships between them.
Difficulty and needed skills 
easy to hard, depending on student's familiarity with the tools to be used. Student will need:
  • excellent Perl programming skills, including familiarity with:
    • testing (prove, TAP::Harness)
    • module authoring (Module::Build,Dist::Zilla,PAUSE)
  • good knowledge of command-line text-processing tools like ack, grep, and Perl one-liners.
  • version control systems (BioPerl uses git).
Chris Fields, others?

Perl Run Wrappers for External Programs in a Flash

BioPerl has a long tradition of providing wrapper objects for running external programs and parsing their output, mainly through the distribution called bioperl-run. Wrappers make it relatively easy to process data in highly customizable pipelines with the benefits of BioPerl objects and I/O. They also help to standardize the interfaces to typically idiosyncratic open-source utilities, reducing the burden on the developer. With new bioinformatics tools being released almost daily, however, it can be difficult for the BioPerl regulars to maintain a stable of run wrappers for the latest and greatest tools. Even harder is making the wrapper interfaces themselves conform to a standard API that users can count on.
Possible approaches
  1. Integrate Galaxy's tool configuration file format in a pluggable way for developing a generic wrapper application.
  2. Improve/tighten/extend the Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase and Bio::Tools::Run::WrapperBase::CommandExts system for very general run wrappers, making them work robustly with the new Bio::Tools::WrapperMaker module currently under development. The goal will be to get these modules ready for release into the trunk.
  3. Are there any shortcomings to current schemes, such as Galaxy's or EMBOSS's acd format, that could be addressed with a newer schema?

See HOWTO:Wrappers and the above module documentation for more details.

Difficulty and needed skills 
Medium. The student should understand or be willing to work hard at understanding BioPerl object-oriented style. Some familiarity with XML and XML Schema will help in getting up to speed. An interest in playing with new open-source bioinformatics tools, especially those for managing next-generation sequence assembly, would also be valuable.
Mark Jensen, Chris Fields

Lightweight BioPerl modules

Many current BioPerl classes are implemented in a greedy or heavy way, where all information is pulled into memory as objects. For instance, the current Bio::Seq implementation is the primary bottleneck for sequence parsing speed and can take up a ton of memory, particularly with whole-genome information and next-generation sequencing information. Storing the data in memory in a simple data structure and generating the objects lazily could help with speed. Alternatively, storing the data in a persistent manner would also help with memory issues, with the obvious trade-off for speed but having the nice side-benefit of consistent and possibly persistent ways of handling data.
Implement a Bio::Seq/Bio::PrimarySeq class (or other commonly-used BioPerl classes) that can deal with very large datasets in a memory-efficient manner. Implement at least one corresponding parser that can either parse records lazily (akin to an XML pull parser) or create lightweight objects. These could be considered two projects but they are interrelated (lightweight objects could have many different backends, including lazy parsing), so development should proceed with this in mind.
Difficulty and needed skills 
medium to hard. Student should have an excellent command of Perl and data structures, experience with persistent storage mechanisms (such as a SQL-based RDBMS, CouchDB, etc), and some familiarity with parsing methodologies.
Prior art 
Jason Stajich has started a SQLite-based lightweight Bio::Tree::Tree implementation on a GitHub branch at the recent GMOD Evolutionary Biology Hackathon at NESCent in Fall 2010.
Chris Fields, Jason Stajich

BioPerl 2.0 and beyond

Design or reimplement BioPerl classes without API constraint, using Modern Perl tools or Perl 6.
Most BioPerl code is over 6 years old and doesn't take advantage of Modern Perl tools, such as new methods available in Perl 5.10 and 5.12, Moose/MooseX, DBIx::Class, Catalyst, and more. Furthermore, a viable Perl6 implementation, Rakudo, is currently available. This gives us an enormous opportunity to redesign fundamental aspects of BioPerl without the necessity for development hindered by a requirement for backwards compatibility.

Two projects, Biome (Moose-based BioPerl) and BioPerl6 (Perl 6 BioPerl) have already started but are in a very early stage. One could participate in:

  • IO implementations for object iteration, or Perl6 grammars for common formats
  • Redesign of common BioPerl classes
  • etc.

This is an area ripe for new student project ideas. The more focused the better! Discussion is a must, either via IRC or email.

Chris Fields, Rob Buels


A followup to the 2010 project "Alignment Subsystem Refactoring": Continued refinement of AssemblyIO.
SAM or ACE files once imported should have similar handles and/or methods.
Difficulty and needed skills
Medium to hard. Excellent command of Perl, familiarity with sequence alignment and alignment tools.
To be determined.

Semantic Web Support

There are great development opportunities in information discovery for bioinformatics using semantic web, specially thinking in the implementation of SPARQL queries for a "discoverable bio-cloud".
Previous efforts can be adopted and extended, such as resulting code from BioHackathon 3 and the code provided by Expasy. Using the modules of the Semantic Web with Perl community, built around RDF::Trine low-level API. There are two main areas to explore:
  1. Parsers and converters from and to RDF, including IO modules for GenBank, EMBL, several XML specifications, et cetera.
  2. Storage and retrieval of information using SPARQL.
Difficulty and needed skills 
Medium. Familiarity with SeqIO modules and Perl itself. The student should also be familiar with RDF format and the RDF triples concept for Semantic Web.
To be determined. Kjetil Kjernsmo can help mentor students wishing to explore the RDF::Trine direction.


Biojava logo tiny.jpg

JVM support and improvements for the Systems Biology Markup Language

See Native and JVM-based support for the Systems Biology Markup Language (SMBL)


Biopython logo tiny.png

Indexing & Lazy-loading Sequence Parsers


BioRuby logo tiny.png

An ultra-fast scalable RESTful API to query large numbers of genomic variations


Optimizing a novel, very sensitive alignment method